Finally Drenched Dyed and dreaded’s cucumber mint and aloe cooling scalp spray is here- ready to soothe the itch often associated with brand new or recently maintained dreadlocks. Our formulation has no essential oils added, only a specially formulated blend of hydrosol so it’s safe to spray on the newest of new baby dreads!! Kept in the fridge it also becomes an amazingly cool soothing spray also suitable for sunburn/ Chaffing an other mild skin irritations.
Cucumbers are so refreshing and thirst quenching on a hot day, no imagine how cooling a mist of cucumber water would feel on your itchy scalp after some freshly tightened dreads?
Not only for cooling down overheated skin, cucumber hydrosol also has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it great for reducing inflammation related to acne, sunburn, bug bites, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
Aloe vera has been used for a host of purposes since the ancient Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality.”
Since then, its uses have become more targeted and medicinal, and it's one of the leading therapies for sunburns.
Various studies have been conducted to examine the benefits of the aloe vera plant and it was found out that aloe vera does in fact have several properties that are effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, from flaky or dry skin, cosmetic ailments, hair and scalp problems to many more.
Peppermint is the star of most skin cooking preparations which makes peppermint hydrosol an obvious choice for any scalp cooling formulation.
A cooling refreshing and uplifting distillate, peppermint hydrosol has instant skin freshening properties and is good for treating sunburns, inflammatory skin conditions and even boost hair growth!